
Mobility: Students from the IES Luis Bueno Crespo gain hands-on experience

From 20 March to 10 June, five students from the IES Luis Bueno Crespo in Granada, Spain, took part in a mobility programme. The programme, which covers areas such as administration and finance management and telecommunications installations, was set up in collaboration with EGInA, IP Telecomunicazioni and Siltronic.


Alejandro and Lucia supported the administration department at EGInA by managing the invoices and organising important documents. This experience has helped them to improve their organisational and office skills.


The other three students gained valuable experience in the telecommunications field. At IP Telecomunicazioni and Siltronic, the students worked on systems installation and maintenance, ensuring the correct configuration and operation of telecommunications equipment.


The mobility programme gave students the opportunity to acquire practical skills and professional knowledge, as well as improving their technical abilities and understanding of industry standards.


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