
Internship in Italy: six students from the Lycée La Croix Rouge in Brest

From 26 May to 27 June, six students from the Lycée La Croix Rouge in Brest, France, completed a work placement in Italy. The aim of the programme was to provide these young professionals with practical experience in their respective fields, including maintenance, electricity and retailing.


The group was split between several companies to ensure that each student received specialist training. Three students were placed with GSA, where they concentrated on maintenance tasks. 


A student completed a work placement with Lillocci, a company specialising in electrical work. The student gained practical experience of electrical installations, repairs and safety protocols.


Another student was placed with Anig Impianti, which also specialises in electrical work. This placement enabled him to familiarise himself with electrical systems, including complex wiring, circuit analysis and the integration of modern electrical solutions in various environments.


The final student completed a placement at Cafè Moda Rinaldi, a well-known clothing shop. This role involved working as a sales assistant, which gave the student an insight into retail operations, customer service, stock management and sales techniques. This experience was particularly useful in understanding the nuances of the fashion industry.


The language barrier did not make this experience that easy but they were able to overcome this and immerse themselves in Italian culture. They explored local customs, cuisine and historical sites, enriching their overall experience and broadening their cultural perspectives.


The results of this internship programme were significant. The students returned to Brest with improved practical skills, a deeper knowledge of the industry and a greater appreciation of international working environments. The experience highlighted the Lycée La Croix Rouge’s commitment to providing its students with opportunities that prepare them for successful careers in their chosen fields.

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