European Knowledge Center for Mobility II – EUKCEM II (Nr.2015-1-DE02-KA202-002505) is a project funded under the Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices action of the Erasmus+ programme.
The Project is coordinated by WISAMAR, Germany.
The past decades the European Commission has supported mobility in many ways, by introducing the free movement of workers and systems that allow greater transparency in qualifications between countries (ECVET). Funding possibilities like “Leonardo da Vinci Mobility” or, from 2014 onwards, “Erasmus+” allow people in vocational training as well as teachers and trainers to get further qualifications abroad. But nevertheless there are still obstacles that hinder people in going abroad or problems occur during the placement.
EUKCEM II aims to foster and facilitate the participation in European Mobility projects and to set common standards for end users.
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